Our Data Integrity

At Rodeo Results, we track data everywhere on our platform. We take it seriously. Very seriously.

We take your horse’s data more seriously because people will see it. You could sell a horse through Rodeo Results because a father saw you run at a local race where you laid down a first-place 1D time. The next thing he’ll do is look at your horse’s profile on Rodeo Results because he’s in the market to buy a 1D horse for his daughter.

The point is data matters, and we take it extremely seriously. If it’s inaccurate, that’s the fault of Rodeo Results. For Rodeo Results to transform this industry, our integrity for accurate data must be the strongest in the industry, along with our responsibility to educate you on why data is everything. It’s our standard and principle.

Your horse is an individual just like you, and Rodeo Results treats them as such. Their data is just as important as yours. You may not be one to care for data but care for your horse. They deserve no less; this feature protects them from malicious intent to compromise their data.

Compromised data compromises value.